코드/ActionScript & MXML

플렉스 코딩 폰트 변경

Yeah-Panda 2013. 1. 7. 16:39

이런 사소한 걸 국내 사이트에서 찾기가 오히려 빡시다.

Quicktip: Changing the font in Flex 3 editor

Have you ever wanted to turn enlarge that font size in the code editor in Flex builder 2/3, but have thrown in the towel after several hours poking around to find this setting? Since Flex is build on Eclipse, this part of the editor is actually identical to the Eclipse interface. To change the font, choose

Window -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> Colors and fonts.

In that small list of folders, choose

Basic -> Text font

and hit the change button. Tada! Kinda a lot of effort, but it will be worth it in assisting your eyes from squinting all day long.

And hey, while we're at it. If you are starting to type something in the code editor, but can't quite remember the whole variable name or whatever... hit ctrl+ spacebar. Flex will then make a suggestion. This is a very handy feature as well..

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