
[Docker] Docker hub 에 푸시하기

Yeah-Panda 2024. 9. 12. 09:18

도커 이미지의 태그 변경하기

# docker tag 이미지명:[기존태그이름] 변경이미지명:[변경태그이름]

➜  ~ docker images
REPOSITORY   TAG                  IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
bongoo       1.0.0                90d1f81f0c97   14 hours ago   267MB
<none>       <none>               c94415d27e2f   8 weeks ago    267MB
<none>       <none>               63a51fc658ac   3 months ago   1.02GB
node         20.12.2-alpine3.19   3b62bffc0937   5 months ago   133MB
➜  ~ docker tag boogoo:1.0.0 bong9kim:1.0.0

➜  ~ docker images
REPOSITORY   TAG                  IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
bong9kim     1.0.0                90d1f81f0c97   14 hours ago   267MB
bongoo       1.0.0                90d1f81f0c97   14 hours ago   267MB
<none>       <none>               c94415d27e2f   8 weeks ago    267MB
<none>       <none>               63a51fc658ac   3 months ago   1.02GB
node         20.12.2-alpine3.19   3b62bffc0937   5 months ago   133MB


https://hub.docker.com 에 temoojean repository 에 bong9kim 이라는 이미지 저장소를 만들었다고 가정한다.

도커 로그인 되어 있다는 가정하에

위의 이미지를 푸시 하면

➜  ~ docker push bong9kim:1.0.0

The push refers to repository [docker.io/library/bong9kim]
13fdf3b6e95a: Preparing
0e291deb2356: Preparing
c09f41d82da8: Preparing
1a976c1aad66: Preparing
163d5965adaa: Preparing
192f30c871e1: Waiting
84c6eaf0eec7: Waiting
3f47b066c0b9: Waiting
42d523a91915: Waiting
b09314aec293: Waiting
denied: requested access to the resource is denied



image 의 respository 를  잘못 변경 하였다

➜  ~ docker tag bong9kim:1.0.0 temoojean/bong9kim:1.0.0

➜  ~ docker images
REPOSITORY           TAG                  IMAGE ID       CREATED        SIZE
bong9kim             1.0.0                90d1f81f0c97   14 hours ago   267MB
bongoo               1.0.0                90d1f81f0c97   14 hours ago   267MB
temoojean/bong9kim   1.0.0                90d1f81f0c97   14 hours ago   267MB
<none>               <none>               c94415d27e2f   8 weeks ago    267MB
<none>               <none>               63a51fc658ac   3 months ago   1.02GB
node                 20.12.2-alpine3.19   3b62bffc0937   5 months ago   133MB


repository 명을 hub.docker.com 과 동일하게 맞춘걸 푸시 해주자.

➜  ~ docker push temoojean/bong9kim:1.0.0
The push refers to repository [docker.io/temoojean/bong9kim]
13fdf3b6e95a: Pushed
0e291deb2356: Pushed
c09f41d82da8: Pushed
1a976c1aad66: Pushed
163d5965adaa: Pushed
192f30c871e1: Pushed
84c6eaf0eec7: Pushed
3f47b066c0b9: Pushed
42d523a91915: Pushed
b09314aec293: Pushed
1.0.0: digest: sha256:f98e1006d114bf38299c259aa9c8249bfdbeae045bdad2c286f5f2e9934a0b52 size: 2411


잘 올라가 있다.

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